网站异常后与客服沟通得知是本站服务所在机房LA CD-02线路突发网络中断,现已恢复。
We want to inform you that we are currently experiencing packet loss issues with our LA DC 02 nodes. Our upstream provider is actively investigating the problem, and we are working diligently to resolve it as quickly as possible.
Please refer to our status page: https://***.com/. We will provide further updates there as soon as they become available.
We appreciate your patience and understanding during this time.
Thank You,
Thank you for your reply!
Yes, we are aware of it that your server's status must be showing as "unavailable." Our upstream provider is working very closely, and it will be fixed very shortly. Please standby.
Thank You,
We are pleased to inform you that the packet loss issue with our LA DC-02 nodes has been resolved. Our team, along with our upstream provider, worked diligently to address the problem, and services have now been restored to normal.
Please check our status page for confirmation and any further updates: https://***.com/.
Thank you for your patience and understanding during this time. If you experience any further issues, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Thank You,
1、windows pc端请下载到本地硬盘,不用做改后缀等任何操作,直接用7-Zip解压即可,。
3、关于mac系统解压win文件的说明: mac电脑wim后缀的压缩文件可以用keka解压,M1 pro 13.6的系统实测没问题。 下载链接: 直接下载弹出的dmg文件即可,免费的,不用从App Store下载,App Store是收费的
2、有的同学反馈手机无法解压,发现是站长在百度云给文件重命名时不小心删除了后缀,大家如果发现文件没有后缀名,手动重命名加一下就好了, 解压专家可以重命名,后缀改成wim,gz,zip之类的都行,只要让解压专家识别出他是个压缩文件即可。